
The chain builder maintains the current longest confirmed (primary) block chain as well as only partially downloaded longer chains that might become the new primary block chain once completed and verified. Also maintains a list of (unconfirmed) transactions that are valid but not yet part of the primary block chain, or valid once another unconfirmed transaction becomes valid.

Received blocks that cannot be shown to be invalid on any block chain are stored in a block cache (from which for the moment they are never evicted), so that they do not need to be requested from other peers over and over again.

For the process of building new primary block chains, block requests are used. These are maintained in a dict indexed by the hash of the next block that is required for the block request to make progress. Each block request stores a list of partial block chains that all depend on the same next block, and the time of the last download request, so that these requests can be retried and at some point aborted when no progress is made.

While not strictly necessary, the block requests are also used when the block can be found in the block cache. In that case they are immediately fulfilled until the block chains can be built or a block is missing in the cache, which then will be requested from the peers.

Partial chains are completed once their next block is the head of a so called checkpoint. These checkpoints are snapshots of the primary block chain at various points in its history. For a chain of length N, the number of checkpoints is always kept between 2*log_2(N) and log_2(N), with most checkpoints being relatively recent. There also is always one checkpoint with only the genesis block.


ChainBuilder(protocol) The chain builder maintains the current longest confirmed (primary) block chain as well as only partially downloaded longer chains that might become the new primary block chain once completed and verified.
class src.chainbuilder.ChainBuilder(protocol)

The chain builder maintains the current longest confirmed (primary) block chain as well as only partially downloaded longer chains that might become the new primary block chain once completed and verified. Also maintains a list of (unconfirmed) transactions that are valid but not yet part of the primary block chain, or valid once another unconfirmed transaction becomes valid.

  • primary_block_chain (Blockchain) – The longest fully validated block chain we know of.
  • _block_requests (Dict[bytes, BlockRequest]) – A dict from block hashes to lists of partial chains waiting for that block.
  • block_cache (Dict[bytes, Block]) – A cache of received blocks, not bound to any one specific block chain.
  • unconfirmed_transactions (Dict[bytes, Transaction]) – Known transactions that are not part of the primary block chain.
  • chain_change_handlers (List[Callable]) – Event handlers that get called when we find out about a new primary block chain.
  • transaction_change_handlers (List[Callable]) – Event handlers that get called when we find out about a new transaction.
  • protocol (Protocol) – The protocol instance used by this chain builder.

Our event handler for block requests in the protocol.

Return type:Optional[Block]

Event handler that is called by the network layer when a block is received.


Event handler that is called by the network layer when a transaction is received.